Im not quite sure how I want to do this, what sort of way I want to write or anything, so for now it will all be abit of trial and error. Probably a lot of error, but thats just my life. Hence im writing this.
Im not writing this to become some famous blogger that gets invited round the world and to meet celebs, because to be honest im far too shy and awkward to do that anyway and im very aware that hardly anyone, of anyone at all will read this. But what im hoping is that this will reach at least one person that i may be able to help. Not by giving advice or anything because if you had any sense you wouldnt take any of my advice, you would only end up drunk or with a list of people you cant look in the eye again. But i hope that this makes at least one person who feels like they cant go on anymore, or feels guilty for feeling how they do, feels useless, or worthless, that they are not the only one. That its not the end of the world, although it may seem it. That with every ten bad days you have that one good day is worth the wait.That although you may feel completely alone there is always at least one person watching out the corner of their eye ready to catch you!
I cant promise this will be regular, sometimes i cant even gather the strength to lift my head off my pillow. But il try, Il try for the one person watching, waiting to read about my struggles to stop them feeling so lonely!
So bare with me and lets hope this goes to plan!
kirst xxx
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